Quartz Crystal Rough Specimen Small Needles (100Pcs)~ BUY 2 GET 1 FREE

Quartz Crystal Rough Specimen Small Needles (100CTW)
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  • Quartz Crystal Rough Specimen Small Needles (100CTW)
  • Quartz Crystal Rough Specimen Small Needles (100CTW)
  • Quartz Crystal Rough Specimen Small Needles (100CTW)
  • Quartz Crystal Rough Specimen Small Needles (100Pcs)~ BUY 1 GET 1 FREE

GEM TYPE : Genuine Quartz Needles
WEIGHT: Aprx. 200+ ctw (each parcel)
MEASURES: Aprx. 35mm-8mm (each gem)
CUT: Rough Specimen Small Needles
CLARITY: Transparent/Slight Inclusions
TREATMENT: None (Natural)
# OF GEMS PER PARCEL: Aprx. 100+
ESTIMATED RETAIL VALUE: $50 (each parcel)

Item Description
Featured are genuine clear quartz rough specimen. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on earth. It can be found in many places on earth. While primarily found as a clear crystal gem, it can be found in a wide variety of colors including yellow, browns and champagne. Quartz is usually a transparent gemstone. These particular gemstones are transparent and clear in color. The are all small quartz points, sometimes called "needle" quartz, given their small needle-like sizes (35mm-8mm long / 2.5mm-5mm thick.) Perfect for wire wrapping and other projects give there are 50+ individual crystals in each parcel.

Pictured is a sample, taken from the much larger parcel of the type of gemstones being offered. The price listed is for (1) 100+ Pcs gemstone parcel.

