With September birthdays just around the corner, and the birthstone being sapphire, many people are looking to purchase their sapphire jewelry. We recently had a client who purchased a rare “red” sapphire from an estate sale. She was so excited, because she had never seen a red sapphire available for sale before and could not wait to have us look at it.
While sapphires come just about every color of the rainbow, from super fine blues to hot pink and purple, the only color they are not found in is…..red. You can search the world over and you’ll never find a red sapphire. Why? Because, when a sapphire is red, they no longer call it a sapphire anymore, they call it a RUBY! The reason is that both sapphire and ruby are from the mineral variety called “corundum.” As a result, by industry standards, any red corundum is call “ruby”, while all other colors of corundum are referred to as sapphire.
All month long, GOLDCROWNJEWELRY.COM will be listing a brand new selection of loose sapphire we just acquired in a stunning array of colors. Watch for them HERE.
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