Today, GOLDCROWNJEWLERY.COM (GCJ) announced the mobile access version of their website using QR code technology (featured). In a nutshell, a QR quote works like a barcode on steroids. You may have already seen some of these strange square digital images in your favorite magazine or advertisements.
QR codes encode data both horizontally and vertically in a grid of tiny squares. This allows for much more data information to be encoded in a smaller space. QR codes can actually embed that information in the code itself, and, when read with the proper software, can trigger actions like launching a website or allowing you access to a special offer.
This QR technology is extremely important for those on the go, that rely heavily on their mobile devices such as Ipads, Iphones, Blackberries and Andriod phones, which all operate on “smart” technology. The QR code featured is a direct link to our website. From your “smart” device, you can visit GCJ twenty-four hours a day to preview all the latest finds, place an order, update your account, keep up with all the latest GCJ news, and never miss out on a FREE item give away.
So how does it work? Its easy. While you have this blog story up on your screen, simply place your mobile device’s camera over the QR graphic (assuming you have already downloaded the scan/barcode reader software (app)….some devices come with this software already loaded on it), and it will take you right to our website. Then, save it under your “favorites” for later use.
Watch for more of these QR codes on your GCJ receipts to give you access to more special offers and discounts.
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